It may come as a surprise to you that, from the computer to an ice-cream maker, some of the most important discoveries and inventions were by women. We’ve all heard of famous inventors such as Thomas Jefferson (Monticello’s Great Clock),…
Read MoreHere is an excerpt from an article written by Elizabeth Grace Saunders for Harvard Business Review and the HBR Blog Network. To read the complete article, check out the wealth of free resources, obtain subscription information, and receive HBR email…
Read MoreMary Parker Follett (1868-1933) was an American social worker, business consultant, and author of numerous books on democracy, creative experience, and management. She wrote about the power of the collective that arises from shared power – power with as distinct…
Read MoreHere is an excerpt from an article written by Brian Halligan for Harvard Business Review and the HBR Blog Network. To read the Illustration complete article, check out the wealth of free resources, obtain subscription information, and receive HBR email alerts,…
Read MoreHere is a brief excerpt from an article written by Hugo Sarrazin, Belkis Vasquez-McCall, and Simon London for the McKinsey Quarterly, published by McKinsey & Company. To read the complete article, check out other resources, learn more about the firm,…
Read MoreHave you been thinking about mistaken extrapolations, limited imagination, and other common mistakes that distract us from thinking more productively about the future? Here is a brief excerpt from an article by Rodney Brooks for MIT Technology Review in…
Read MoreIn the latest of five bestselling books, Unthinking: The Surprising Forces Behind What We Buy, Harry Beckwith shares a number of especially valuable insights and I have consolidated several of them in these two mosaics of excerpts: “We could excuse…
Read MoreHere is a brief, thoughtful commentary provided by BNY Mellon Wealth Management that focuses on three separate but related — and substantial — benefits of team diversity in the workplace. It is important to keep in mind that the…
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Solving the productivity puzzle
Here is a brief excerpt from an article written by Jaana Remes, James Manyika, Jacques Bughin, Jonathan Woetzel, Jan Mischke, and Mekala Krishnan for the McKinsey Quarterly, published by McKinsey & Company. To read the complete article, check out other…
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