
Carla O’Dell: An interview by Bob Morris

March 3, 2011

Carla O’Dell is the president of APQC (American Productivity & Quality Center),an internationally recognized, not-for-profit organization dedicated to process and performance improvement. She joined APQC in 1978 as an adviser and researcher. Over the years, her fields of expertise and…

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Michael Korda’s Grant: A book review by Bob Morris

March 3, 2011

Ulysses S. Grant: The Unlikely Hero Michael Korda Atlas Books/HarperCollins Eminent Lives Series (2004) Every year about this time, probably because of Presidents Day, I re-read brief biographies. This year, I selected Ulysses S, Grant (1822-1885), 18th President of the…

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From Ancient Markets to Global Networks

March 3, 2011

The prophet Ecclesiastes and the ancient philosopher Heraclitus are both credited with observing, in effect,  “Everything changes…Nothing changes.” The same can be said of markets. Initially, a “market” was a specific location; later, it was viewed as a specific segment…

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Secrets of Job Hunting in a Post-Job Board World

March 3, 2011

Here is an article written by Jessica Stillman for BNET, The CBS Interactive Business Network. To check out an abundance of valuable resources and obtain a free subscription to one or more of the BNET newsletters, please click here. *    …

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The Traits of Advanced Leaders

March 3, 2011

Here is an excerpt from an article written by Rosabeth Moss Kanter for the Harvard Business Review blog. To read the complete article, check out other articles and resources, and/or sign up for a free subscription to Harvard Business Review’s…

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Five Principles of Inspirational Leadership

March 2, 2011

Here is another contribution to the “Talent Management Perpsectives” series by David Greenberg as featured in Talent Management magazine. To check out all the resources and sign up for a free subscription to the magazine and/or to Chief Learning Officer…

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Erik Calonius & The Wanderer: An interview by Bob Morris

March 2, 2011

Erik Calonius is a former reporter, editor, and London correspondent for the Wall Street Journal. He served as Miami Bureau Chief for Newsweek magazine, where he was nominated for the Overseas Press Award, and as an editor and writer for Fortune magazine,…

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Most Valuable Business Insights: 11-15

March 2, 2011

After having read and reviewed so many business books, I now share brief comments about what I consider to be the 25 most valuable business insights and the books in which they are either introduced or (one man’s opinion) best…

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“Initiative is taken, it’s not given.”

March 1, 2011

Seth Godin said it and I agree with him. Over a two-year period (1908-1910), on an assignment for Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill interviewed the most successful people in the world to learn what they shared in common. What was it?…

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