Book Reviews
Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration Keith Sawyer Basic Books (2008) Throughout human history, what Keith Sawyer characterizes as “collaborative genius” has made significant contributions in ways and to an extent few (if any) individuals have. In fact, the…
Read MoreOpen Business Models: How to Thrive in the New Innovation Landscape Henry Chesbrough Harvard Business Press (2006) I nnovation requires an open mind…and the courage to challenge “the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom.” In preparation for my…
Read MoreThe Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America’s Leading Design Firm Tom Kelley with Jonathan Littman Crown Business (2001) I recently re-read two books written by Tom Kelley with Jonathan Littman, this one and The Ten Faces of…
Read MoreThe Ten Faces of Innovation: IDEO’s Strategies for Defeating the Devil’s Advocate and Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization Thomas Kelley with Jonathan Littman Doubleday (2005) I recently re-read two books written by Tom Kelley with Jonathan Littman, this one and…
Read MoreAnalytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results Thomas Davenport and Jeanne Harris with Robert Morison Harvard University Press (2010) Those who have read Competing on Analytics may incorrectly assume that there is not much new to learn in this sequel…
Read MoreSelling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing Harry Beckwith Business Plus (1997) This is one of the few books I have read that focuses almost entirely on the marketing and sales of services that are, paradoxically, both “invisible”…
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