In Innovation by Design, Thomas Lockwood and Edgar Papke explain how any organization can leverage design thinking to produce change, drive new ideas, and deliver meaningful solutions. They observe, “The collective imagination is humankind’s greatest genius. Throughout pour human history, as…
Read MoreA 12th century French monk, Bernard of Chartres, once observed that he “stood on the shoulders of giants.” Since 1999, I have reviewed about 3,600 business books (for Amazon US, UK, and Canada) and interviewed about 650 thought leaders. Those…
Read MoreI hope you and your loved ones have a blessed and joyous holiday season. Blogging on Business will resume in the New Year. Meanwhile, please accept my best wishes and warmest regards.
Read MoreQuestions Are the Answer: A Breakthrough Approach to Your Most Vexing Problems at Work and in Life Hal Gregersen Harper Business (November 2018) If you want better answers, you must ask better questions In his predictably brilliant Foreword, Ed Catmull asks:…
Read MoreBend and adjust or be broken. HBR Press offers a series of anthologies (nine volumes thus far) of articles in which contributors share proven research that explains how our emotions impact our work lives, practical advice for managing difficult people…
Read MoreThis is one of my favorite paintings by Anna Mary Robertson (American, 1860–1961), better known as “Grandma Moses.” I first saw it on exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago. According to information provided by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in…
Read MoreIn Smarter Faster Better, Charles Duhigg observes, “Productivity is the name we give our attempts to figure out the best uses of our energy, intellect, and time as we try to seize the most meaningful rewards with the least wasted…
Read MoreHere is a brief excerpt from an article written by Sven Blumberg, Oliver Bossert, and Jan Sokalski for the McKinsey Quarterly, published by McKinsey & Company. To read the complete article, check out other resources, learn more about the firm,…
Read MoreHere is a brief excerpt from an article by Bret Stephens for The New York Times. He recommends, in this season of giving, that we get (and give) Andrew Roberts’s brilliant new biography. To read the complete article, check out…
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Your B Players Deserve Your Attention, Too
Here is another valuable Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review. To sign up for a free subscription to any/all HBR newsletters, please click here. * * * Every manager would love to have a team of…
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