What’s Your Problem?: To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg Harvard Business Review Press (March 2020) If you don’t solve the right problem, you’ve only created many more problems. What is the thesis of this…
Read MoreHere is another superb article from David Gelles for The New York Times in which he shares his conversation with Laurene Powell Jobs, an interview with the 35th-richest person in the world, who is funding efforts on immigration, education and…
Read MoreThe Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz Erik Larson Crown (February 2020) Popular narrative nonfiction of the very highest order Having read all of Erik Larson’s previous books, I have stopped trying…
Read MoreHere is an excerpt from an article that shares the results of an especially important survey, featured in the McKinsey Quarterly, published by McKinsey & Company. To read the complete article, check out others, learn more about the firm,…
Read MoreI just learned that McKinsey & Company offers to conduct an analysis of your company’s experimentation capabilities…and do so at no cost. If I had a company in need of an assessment, I would take advantage of this offer…
Read MoreLeading with Gratitude: Eight Leadership Practices for Extraordinary Business Results Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton HarperBusiness/An imprint of HarperCollins (March 2020) How and why “putting gratitude at the center of everything you do is the key to a happy life”…
Read MoreWhen asked for her opinion of Oakland, a city in California where she grew up, Gertrude Stein replied, “There is no ‘there’ there.” The same can be said of the current POTUS. Bloated emptiness…. To anyone who still thinks…
Read MoreCharismatic Leadership: The Skills You Can Learn to Motivate High Performance in Others Kevin Murray KoganPage (February 2020) Charisma without integrity and substance attracts attention and then contempt Originally, charisma was believed to be a divine gift that only a…
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The four most common forms of really dumb thinking
Opinions vary about which forms of really dumb thinking are the most common and many of those opinions offer excellent examples of dumb thinking. The opinions I now share are those of several thinkers whom I personally admire. They include…
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