Book Reviews

Management?: A book review by Bob Morris

May 30, 2011

Management? It’s Not What You Think! Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, and Joseph Lampel AMACOM (2010) If conventional wisdom about management were a piñata…. What we have here is a collection of highly unconventional perspectives, presented within a highly unconventional format,…

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Tell to Win: A book review by Bob Morris

May 27, 2011

Tell to Win: Connect, Persuade, and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story Peter Guber Crown Business (2011)   How and why “a purposeful story, well told, is the greatest tool for business” Others have their own reasons for praising…

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The Upside: A book review by Bob Morris

May 24, 2011

The Upside: The 7 Strategies for Turning Big Threats into Growth Breakthroughs Adrian J. Slywotsky with Karl Weber Crown Business (2007) Note: I recently re-read this book before beginning to formulate questions for an interview of Skywotsky. With all due…

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The Essential Bennis: A book review by Bob Morris

May 23, 2011

The Essential Bennis Warren Bennis with Patricia Ward Biederman Jossey-Bass (2009) The pre-eminent leader of leadership studies I have read and reviewed all of Warren Bennis’ books and read most of his articles. Therefore, I was especially eager to examine…

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Win: A book review by Bob Morris

May 22, 2011

Win: The Key Principles to Take Your Business from Ordinary to Extraordinary Frank Luntz Hyperion/Harper Collins (2011) A brilliant recycling of valuable business material Frank Luntz identifies what he characterizes as “The 15 Universal Attributes of Winners” (on Page 2)…

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Better Under Pressure: A book review by Bob Morris

May 22, 2011

Better Under Pressure: How Great Leaders Bring Out the Best in Themselves and Others Justin Menkes Harvard Business Review Press (2011) Those who have read Justin Menkes’s previous book, Executive Intelligence, probably agree with me that it sets an exceptionally…

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The Dragonfly Effect: A book review by Bob Morris

May 16, 2011

The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways to Use Social Media to Drive Social Change Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith with Carlye Adler Jossey-Bass/A Wiley Imprint (2010) In this book written with Carlye Adler, Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith…

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WordPress 3 Complete: A book review by Bob Morris

May 16, 2011

WordPress 3 Complete: Create your own complete website or blog from scratch with WordPress April Hodge Silver Pakt Publishing (2011) Just about all that most people need to know The reference to the word “complete” in this book’s title correctly…

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The Future of Management: A book review by Bob Morris

May 14, 2011

The Future of Management Gary Hamel with Bill Breen Harvard Business School Press (2007) With all due respect to today’s business bestsellers, most of the best books have already been written on the most important subjects. Case in point: This…

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