Book Reviews
The Optimistic Workplace: Creating an Environment That Energizes Everyone Shawn Murphy AMACOM (2015) How and why optimism energizes a workplace culture so that personal growth and professional development can thrive Long ago, Henry Ford suggested, “Whether you think you can…
Read MoreUnfinished Business: Women Men Work Family Anne-Marie Slaughter Random House (2015) A brilliant exploration of “the world as it is, not as many of us would like it to be”…but one it could yet become There will always be “unfinished…
Read MoreTalking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life Mark Goulston (AMACOM (October 2016) How to manage “everyday craziness” whenever and wherever you encounter it As Mark Goulston explains, he experienced an epiphany years…
Read MoreSuperforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner Crown Publishers (2015) How to blend computer-based forecasting and subjective judgment to gain a better sense of what will likely occur Obviously, computers can process, organize, and access…
Read MoreCaptivology: The Science of Capturing People’s Attention Ben Parr Harper One/An Imprint of HarperCollins (March 2015) How and why captivation “triggers” affect our attention and awareness every day, often without our being aware of it There really is a science…
Read MoreWhy Should Anyone Work Here?: What It Takes to Create an Authentic Organization Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones Harvard Business Review Press (October 2015) “If you put fences around people, you get sheep. Give people the room they need.” William…
Read MoreThe Leadership Capital Index: Realizing the Market Value of Leadership Dave Ulrich Berrett-Koehler Publishers (October 2019) Finally, a means by which to determine the bottom-line impact and value of individual and organizational leadership I have read and reviewed all of…
Read MoreTHE BRAND FLIP: Why customers now run companies and how to profit from it Marty Neumeier New Riders (2015) The choice: companies “can leap into the future and possibly land on their feet” or wait to be run over by…
Read MoreLeading Across New Borders: How to Succeed as the Center Shifts Ernest Gundling, Christie Caldwell, and Karen Cvitkovich John Wiley & Sons (2015) A brilliant analysis of the skills, values, and competencies needed to achieve success in the global marketplace…
Read MoreFriend & Foe: When to Cooperate, When to Compete, and How to Succeed at Both Adam Galinsky and Maurice Schweitzer Crown Business (2015) How to decide when to cooperate and when to compete…and how to become better at both I…
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