Book Reviews
The Guns of Normandy: A Soldier’s Eye View, France 1944 George Blackburn McClelland & Stewart (1995) One Warrior’s Perspectives at Ground Zero in 1944 Very few of us in the United States are fully aware — much less fully appreciative…
Read MoreThe Last 100 Days: FDR at War and at Peace David Woolner Basic Books (December 2017) At long last, a much more complete “intimate view of FDR’s last months” Consider what was accomplished under Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s leadership during the…
Read MoreThe Quantum Labyrinth: How Richard Feynman and John Wheeler Revolutionized Time and Reality Paul Halpern Basic Books (October 2017) A brilliant analysis of two “explorers of the extraordinary possibilities in physics” This book was written so that non-scientists such as…
Read MoreThe Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail — but Some Don’t Nate Silver The Penguin Group (2015) How and why, more often than not, “human judgment is intrinsically fallible” Note: The review that follows is of the…
Read MoreBrave Leadership: Unleash Yout Most Confident, Powerful, and Authentic Self to Get the Results You Need Kimberly Davis Greenleaf Book Group Press (January 2018) “Do the best you can until you know better. When you know better, do better.” Maya…
Read MoreThe Startup Way: How Modern Companies Use Entrepreneurial Management to Transform Culture and Drive Long-Term Growth Eric Ries Currency/An imprint of the Crown Publishing Group (October 2017) How managers in a VUCA world become more adaptive, more humane, more rigorous,…
Read MoreType R: Transformative Resilience for Thriving in a Turbulent World Ama Marston and Stephanie Marston PublicAffairs (January 2018) How and why “we must meet change head-on [and] use stress and adversity to open the door to new opportunities” Ama Marston…
Read MoreWhat Works for Women at Work: Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know Joan C. Williams and Rachel Dempsey New York University Press What working women need to know and how to use that knowledge to achieve personal growth and…
Read MoreThe Right — and Wrong — Stuff: How Brilliant Careers Are Made and Unmade Carter Cast Public Affairs (January 2018) “What really impedes the progress of talented people? Why do some careers stall while others flourish?” Careers as well as…
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