Book Reviews
Crack the C-Suite Code: How Successful Leaders Make It to the Top Cassandra Frangos Wharton Digital Press (March 6, 2018) Personal growth and professional development are all about the journey, not the destination. Obviously, Cassandra Frangos is fond of metaphors.…
Read MoreLeadership Wisdom: Lessons from Poetry, Prose, and Curious Verse Bob Vanourek Motivational Press (2016) Don’t try to find the “right” answers unless and until you first know which questions to ask Those who aspire to lead others must embark on…
Read MoreWinning Speech Moments: How to Achieve Your Objective with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere Jay Oza 5ToolGroup (2017) How to respond to the unique challenges of preparing and then delivering a “high stakes speech” Ignore this book’s over-cooked subtitle and focus on…
Read MoreThe Motivation Myth : How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win Jeff Haden Portfolio/Penguin Group (2018) How and why “motivation is a result,” not a spark Long ago, I concluded that I could not motivate another person but…
Read MoreThe Best Team Wins: The New Science of High Performance Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton Simon & Schuster (February 2018) What today’s high-impact leaders are doing to achieve and then sustain their organization’s peak performance In recent years, there have…
Read MoreThe Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups Daniel Coyle Bantam Books/An imprint of Random House (January 2018) How and why “small efforts are powerful because they transmit, amplify, and celebrate the purpose of the whole group” In a…
Read MoreQuirky: The Remarkable Story of the Traits, Foibles, and Genius of Breakthrough Innovators Who Changed the World Melissa A. Schilling PublicAffairs (2/13/18) “What makes some people spectacularly innovative?” Melissa Schilling poses that question and then focuses on eight serial breakthrough…
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