Month: April 2014

Scott Doorley and Scott Witthoft: An interview by Bob Morris

April 6, 2014

Scott Doorley is the Creative Director at the Stanford His design work centers on using media and environments to enhance interactions, gently guide behavior, and bolster learning. At Stanford, he teaches classes in communication design including storytelling & visual…

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Tom Erickson (chief executive of Acquia) in “The Corner Office”

April 5, 2014

Adam Bryant conducts interviews of senior-level executives that appear in his “Corner Office” column each week in the SundayBusiness section of The New York Times. Here are a few insights provided during an interview of Tom Erickson, chief executive of…

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From Lao Tzu to Layups, 1,682 Pages of Phil Jackson

April 5, 2014

Here is a brief excerpt from an article by Ben Dolnick for The New York Times in which he examines books that Phil Jackson has written (usually with assistance provided by his friend, Charley Rosen) during the past 20 years.…

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Art Kleiner on “A New Life for strategy+business magazine”

April 4, 2014

In the article that follows, Art Kleiner shares his thoughts and feelings about a publisher’s name change but, channeling Heraclitus (“Everything changes, nothing changes”), reassures us that strategy+business magazine’s commitment to superior knowledge leadership will continue, uncompromised. However, I think…

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Change leader, change thyself

April 4, 2014

Here is a brief excerpt from an article co-authored by Nate Boaz and Erica Ariel Fox for the McKinsey Quarterly, published by McKinsey & Company, in which they suggest that anyone who pulls the organization in new directions must look…

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Into the Future With MOOC’s

April 4, 2014

Here is a brief excerpt from an article written by Kevin Carey for The Chronicle of Higher Education (September 3, 2012). To read the complete article, check out others, and obtain subscription information, please click here. Photo credit: Michael Morgenstern…

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Marty Neumeier on “The Rules of Genius, #6: Frame Problems Tightly”

April 4, 2014

Marty is the Director of Transformation for the Liquid Agency as well as author of several bestselling books in which he explains how almost anyone in almost any organization can help to achieve breakthroughs in creativity and innovation. He has…

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BRIEF: A book review by Bob Morris

April 3, 2014

BRIEF: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less Joseph McCormack Wiley (2014) How to unleash the power of brevity so that what you say and what you do have much greater impact I am among the staunch advocates of the…

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Ryan Babineaux and John Krumboltz offer “Tips for Introverts”

April 3, 2014

According to Ryan Babineaux and John Krumboltz, “Both being introverts, we understand that it is not always easy to approach new people. But we have found that the rewards that come from our relationships far outweigh the discomfort we might…

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IMF’s Christine Lagarde: Women In Workforce Key To Healthy Economies

April 2, 2014

Here is a brief excerpt from an interview of International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde in Brussels earlier this year. Lagarde says women are underutilized in the global economy. To read the complete interview, check out other resources, and…

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