“the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom”

Kip Tindell: An interview by Bob Morris

January 17, 2015

The year was 1978. Jimmy Carter was President of the United States. The Bee Gees topped the charts with Stayin’ Alive. The Dallas Cowboys defeated the Denver Broncos in the Super Bowl. And on July 1, The Container Store opened…

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James Merlino: Part 1 of an interview by Bob Morris

January 11, 2015

James Merlino, MD, has been the Chief Experience Officer of the Cleveland Clinic health system, as well as a practicing staff colorectal surgeon in the Digestive Disease Institute. He is the founder and current president of the Association for Patient…

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Nick Gogerty: Part 1 of an interview by Bob Morris

January 7, 2015

Nick is the author of The Nature of Value: How to Invest in the Adaptive Economy (Columbia University Press 2014) and was involved in a technical confidential project with one of the world’s largest global macroeconomic hedge funds. He lectures…

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Lead Like it Matters…Because it Does: A book review by Bob

December 17, 2014

Lead Like it Matters…Because it Does: Practical Leadership Tools to Inspire and Engage Your People and Create Great Results Roxi Behar Hewertson McGraw-Hill (2015) Every organization needs effective leadership at all levels and in all areas of the given enterprise.…

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Geoffrey Moore on Big Data and RFID: An interview by Bob Morris

December 14, 2014

Geoffrey Moore is an author, speaker, and advisor who splits his consulting time between start-up companies in the Mohr Davidow portfolio and established high-tech enterprises, including Salesforce, Microsoft, Intel, Box, Aruba, Cognizant, and Rackspace most recently. His life’s work has…

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Karl Ronn: Part 2 of an interview by Bob Morris

December 1, 2014

Karl Ronn is the managing director of Innovation Portfolio Partners. Based in Palo Alto, he helps Fortune 500 companies create new businesses or helps entrepreneurs start category creating new companies. He is a cofound VC-backed Butterfly Health that sells Butterfly…

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Mark Roberti on Big Data and RFID: Part 1 of an interview by Bob Morris

November 30, 2014

Mark Roberti has reported on business for major publications worldwide since 1985. In 2002, he launched RFID Journal on the Web as an independent source of news and information for business and IT executives looking to tap RFID’s enormous potential.…

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Karl Ronn: Part 1 of an interview by Bob Morris

November 23, 2014

Karl Ronn is the managing director of Innovation Portfolio Partners. Based in Palo Alto, he helps Fortune 500 companies create new businesses or helps entrepreneurs start category creating new companies. He is a co-founder of VC-backed Butterfly Health that sells…

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Frederic Laloux: Part 2 of an interview by Bob Morris

November 10, 2014

After I read Frederic Laloux‘s brilliant book, Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness, I was curious to know more about him and learned of his passionate commitment to helping leaders in almost…

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Rod Pyle: Part 2 of an interview by Bob Morris

November 5, 2014

Rod Pyle is author of multiple best-selling books on space exploration and innovation for major publishers including Smithsonian, McGraw-Hill, HarperCollins, Prometheus/Random House, Sterling and Carlton. His most recent books are Innovation the NASA Way: Harnessing the Power of Your Organization…

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