
Well worth your consideration….

December 6, 2010

Given the economy and seasonal obligations, many of us must reduce or eliminate support of worthwhile organizations. That said, there are a few appealing options. Here’s one. Register and you can help one of several worthy organizations receive $200,000 from…

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How Southwest Airlines Keeps Flying High

December 6, 2010

Here is an article written by William C. Taylor about Southwest Airlines for BNET (November 22, 2010), The CBS Interactive Business Network. To check out an abundance of valuable resources and obtain a free subscription to one or more of…

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Leading Effectively in a VUCA Environment: C is for Complexity

December 6, 2010

Here is an excerpt from an article written by Eric G. Kail for the Harvard Business Review blog. To read the complete article, check out other articles and resources, and/or sign up for a free subscription to Harvard Business Review’s…

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Women and Workplace Flexibility: Canaries in the Coal Mine

December 6, 2010

Here is an article written by Betsy Bagley for BNET, The CBS Interactive Business Network. To check out an abundance of valuable resources and obtain a free subscription to one or more of the BNET newsletters, please click here. *    …

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Perhaps an epidemic of holiday spirit….

December 4, 2010

Perhaps you have already enjoyed the video of the noon hour concert at Macy*s in Philadelphia. My friend, John Barrentine, is one of Santa’s favorite elves and shared it with me. Here is another at a food court. My friend, John Barrentine,…

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David Allen on the 3 reasons your to-do list keeps getting longer

December 3, 2010

Here is an article written by Mark Henricks (aka The Debunker) about David Allen for BNET, The CBS Interactive Business Network. To check out an abundance of valuable resources and obtain a free subscription to one or more of the BNET…

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47 mind-blowing psychology-proven facts you should know about yourself

December 3, 2010

Here is an excerpt from a terrific article written by Susan Weinschenk for Business Insider. To read the complete article and check out a wealth of valuable resources, please click here. *     *     * I’ve decided to start a series…

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Four Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Own Power at Work

December 2, 2010

Here is an excerpt from an article written by Jeffrey Pfeffer for BNET, The CBS Interactive Business Network. To read the complete article, check out an abundance of valuable resources and obtain a free subscription to one or more of…

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Meet the M-Prize winners—three case studies in management innovation honored by Gary Hamel’s Management Innovation eXchange

December 2, 2010

Here is an excerpt from an article co-authored by Gary Hamel and Polly LaBarre for The McKinsey Quarterly, NOVEMBER 2010. It is art of the “Dispatches from the front lines of management innovation” series. To read the complete article and…

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Billy Graham’s new suit

December 1, 2010

Billy Graham is now 91-years-old with Parkinson’s disease. In January 2000, leaders in Charlotte, North Carolina, invited their favorite son, Billy Graham, to a luncheon in his honor. He hesitated to accept the invitation because he struggles with Parkinson’s disease. But the Charlotte leaders said, “We…

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