
A five-step process to achieve and sustain peak performance

April 9, 2011

As Edward M. Hallowell explains in his most recent book, Shine: Using Brain Science to Get the Best from Your People, published by Harvard Business Review Press (2011), “Many people need help in getting rid of the obstacles in their…

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The Games Companies Play

April 8, 2011

Here is a Special Report written by Rachael King and featured online by Bloomberg Businessweek. To read the complete article, please click here. *     *     * Siemens, Hilton, and Target are using games to train workers and improve how they…

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Top 10 Management Myths

April 8, 2011

Here is an excerpt from an article written by Steve Tobak for BNET, The CBS Interactive Business Network. To check out the article and an abundance of other resources as swell as obtain a free subscription to one or more…

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Five Basic Tenets of Knowledge Management

April 8, 2011

I have just read and will soon review The New Edge in Knowledge: How Knowledge Management Is Changing the Way We Do Business, co-authored by Carla O’Dell and Cindy Hubert. In Chapter 3, they identify and discuss “Five Basic Tenets of…

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A Half-Century of Automotive Eyesores

April 8, 2011

  Please click here to read an article written by Damian Joseph that is featured online by Bloomberg Businessweek. There is a slide show of the “Fifty Ugliest Cars of the Past 50 Years.” Considering how many new cars are…

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Stop Chasing the Wrong Priorities

April 8, 2011

Here is an article written by Marshall Goldsmith for BNET, The CBS Interactive Business Network. To check out an abundance of valuable resources and obtain a free subscription to one or more of the BNET newsletters, please click here. *    …

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American Disgrace

April 8, 2011

Once again I watched American Idol this evening (Thursday, April 7, 2011), curious to know which contestant would be voted off. The contestant eliminated tonight was former frontrunner Pia Toscano. The three judges were shocked. “I have no idea what…

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The Art of Admitting Failure

April 6, 2011

Here is an excerpt from an article written by Charlene Li  for the Harvard Business Review blog. To read the complete article, check out other articles and resources, and/or sign up for a free subscription to Harvard Business Review’s Daily Alerts,…

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How to Get the Best Results from Remote Brainstorming

April 6, 2011

Here is an excerpt from article written by Wayne Turmel for BNET (March 28, 2011), The CBS Interactive Business Network. To read the complete article, check out an abundance of valuable resources and obtain a free subscription to one or…

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Turn Your Competitors into Allies

April 6, 2011

Here is another valuable Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review. To sign up for a free subscription to any/all HBR newsletters, please click here.   *     *     * When a colleague’s agenda is seemingly opposed to your…

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