
Forced “Fun” at Work: Researchers Uncover a Dark Side

April 1, 2011

Here is an article written by Jessica Stillman for BNET (March e31, 2011), The CBS Interactive Business Network. To check out an abundance of valuable resources and obtain a free subscription to one or more of the BNET newsletters, please…

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Cleopatra’s Three Can’t Miss Tips for Business Success

March 31, 2011

Here is an article written by Sean Silverthorne for BNET (March 25, 2011), The CBS Interactive Business Network. To check out an abundance of valuable resources and obtain a free subscription to one or more of the BNET newsletters, please…

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Decide what you think, first

March 31, 2011

      Here is another valuable Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review. To sign up for a free subscription, to any/all HBR newsletters, please click here. *     *     * When working on a challenging task —…

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Commitment or Compliance…It’s Your Choice

March 31, 2011

I am grateful to Marcus Buckingham for calling my attention to Bob Woodcock and the material he posts at his website. Here is an excerpt from a recent and excellent article that suggests the quality of Woodcock’s reasoning and writing skills,…

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Hugh MacLeod on “The Trouble with Advertising”

March 30, 2011

Here’s a recent post from one of my favorite social commentators and artists, Hugh MacLeod. I worked in advertising for many years. My opinion of Madison Avenue is the same as the famous one held by the screenwriter, William Goldman,…

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Four Reasons Any Action Is Better than None

March 29, 2011

Here is an excerpt from an article written by Rosabeth Moss Kanter for the Harvard Business Review blog (March 28, 2011). To read the complete article, check out other articles and resources, and/or sign up for a free subscription to Harvard…

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Schedule Real Time for High-Priority Initiatives

March 29, 2011

      Here is another valuable Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review. To sign up for a free subscription to any/all HBR newsletters, please click here. *     *     * If your calendar is like most, it…

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If you forward this to ten people, you’ll probably save at least one life.

March 28, 2011

Here’s a very good article that takes only two minutes to read. I’m sending this to persons I care about…and I hope you do too! Heart Attacks and Drinking Warm Water This   is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about…

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Is your company’s executive education program any good?

March 28, 2011

In fact, does your company even have an executive education program? Long ago in response to parents’ protests about a recent tuition increase at Harvard, then president Derek Bok suggested, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” Here are…

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Why is Mary Parker Follett important?

March 27, 2011

Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933) was an American social worker, business consultant, and author of numerous books on democracy, creative experience, and management. She wrote about the power of the collective that arises from shared power – power with as distinct…

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