
The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Gelb

September 20, 2017

I am grateful to Monique Muhlenkamp (New World Library Publishers) for providing a Q&A in which Michael Gelb shares his thoughts about a remarkably diverse range of subjects. * * * Michael J. Gelb is the author most recently of…

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Getting into your competitor’s head

September 20, 2017

To anticipate the moves of your rivals, you must understand how their strategists and decision makers think. Here is a brief excerpt from an article about doing that, written by Hugh Courtney, John T. Horn, and Jayanti Kar for the…

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Organizational health: A fast track to performance improvement

September 19, 2017

Here is a brief excerpt from an article written by Chris Gagnon, Elizabeth John, and Rob Theunissen for the McKinsey Quarterly, published by McKinsey & Company. To read the complete article, check out other resources, learn more about the firm,…

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Valuable lessons from founders of the 10% of startups that succeed

September 17, 2017

In Think Better, Michael Sonnenfeldt offers 40 winning strategies that have achieved extraordinary success for dozens of entrepreneurs that he has studied for more than twenty years. I agree with him: “The primary source of new, sustainable jobs will be…

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What it really takes to capture the value of APIs

September 16, 2017

Here is a brief excerpt from an article written by Keerthi Iyengar, Somesh Khanna, Srinivas Ramadath, and Daniel Stephens for the McKinsey Quarterly, published by McKinsey & Company. To read the complete article, check out other resources, learn more about…

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How to Create an Agile Organization

September 16, 2017

I am among those in an international group whose members participate in global studies for McKinsey & Company. To read the report in which the most recent is discussed, check out other resources, learn more about the firm, obtain subscription…

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Barriers to activating and then nourishing your emotional intelligence

September 15, 2017

In How to Be Happy at Work, Annie McKee observes that almost anyone can fall prey to old myths and happiness traps that keep them down and prevent them from creating or sustaining their work life they want. She helps…

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To Get Your Boss to Stop Micromanaging, Clarify Expectations

September 15, 2017

Here is another valuable Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review. To sign up for a free subscription to any/all HBR newsletters, please click here. * * * Do you ever feel like your boss is doing your…

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What the Rich Won’t Tell You

September 14, 2017

“There’s nobody who knows how much we spend. You’re the only person I ever said those numbers to out loud.” Here is a brief excerpt from an article by Rachel Sherman for The New York Times. To read the complete…

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Who was Alan Turing and why is he important?

September 11, 2017

According to Wikipedia, “Alan Turing OBE FRS (23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation…

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