Book Reviews
Thinkers50 Management: Cutting-Edge Thinking to Engage and Motivate Your Employees for Success Stuart Crainer and Des Dearlove McGraw-Hill Education (2014) Which concepts are the central focus of today’s cutting age thinking about management? This is one of the volumes in…
Read MoreYou’ve Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted World Paul Hellman AMACOM (March 2017) “Never, never, never give up!” Winston Churchill Churchill makes an excellent point, one that I selected to serve as title of this brief commentary. Here…
Read MoreState of Readiness: Operational Excellence as Precursor to Becoming a High-Performance Organization Joseph F. Paris, Jr. Greenleaf Book Group Press (May 8, 2017) How and why a business is a single system that has multiple dimensions of effort and initiative…
Read MoreThe Power of Little Ideas: A Low-Risk, High-Reward Approach to Innovation David Robertson with Kent Lineback Harvard Business Review Press (May 2017) Do innovators have only two choices: innovate small incrementally or innovate big disruptively? “There is another option.” In…
Read MoreVictory Through Organization: Why the War for Talent is Failing Your Company and What You Can Do About It Dave Ulrich, David Kryscynski, Mike Ulrich, and Wayne Brockbank McGraw-Hill Pearson (April 2017) “If you want to go fast, go alone.…
Read MoreWilliam Tecumseh Sherman: In the Service of My Country: A Life James Lee McDonough W.W. Norton & Company (June 2016) “War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be…
Read MoreAmerican Ulysses: A Life of Ulysses S. Grant Ronald C. White Random House (October 2016) A brilliant examination of a U.S. hero “from the inside out” As I often do, I read this book in combination with another, James Lee…
Read MoreMind+Machine: A Decision Model for Optimizing and Implementing Analytics Marc Vollenweider John Wiley & Sons (November 2016) How the mind can collaborate with machines to achieve high-impact results, and, thereby create new capabilities that did not exist before. One of…
Read MoreWe’ll Always Have Casablanca: The Life, Legend, and Afterlife of Hollywood’s Most Beloved Movie Noah Isenberg W.W. Norton & Company “Art is the recreation of the world after the heart’s desire.” Havelock Ellis As I often do, I read this…
Read MoreFast/Forward: Make Your Company Fit for the Future Julian Birkinshaw and Jonas Ridderstråle Stanford Business Books/Stanford University Press (April 2017) “What got you here won’t get you there.” Marshall Goldsmith Goldsmith’s insight serves as the title of one of his…
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