Month: May 2022

Effective Leaders Decide About Deciding

May 4, 2022

Here is an excerpt from an article by Nancy Duarte for the MIT Sloan Management Review. To read the complete article, check out others, and obtain subscription information, please click here. * * * Every leader should design and communicate…

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What Jim Collins learned from Peter Drucker

May 3, 2022

Jim Collins provided the Foreword to the 50th anniversary edition of Peter Drucker’s classic, The Effective Executive, a book first published in 1967. Consider this passage: “Here are ten lessons I learned from Peter Drucker and this book, and that…

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Access Rules: A book review by Bob Morris

May 3, 2022

Access Rules: Freeing Data from Big Tech for a Better Future Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Thomas Ramge University of California Press (April 2022) How and why access to information is the foundation of democratic decision-making Years ago, Eppie Lederer suggested, “If…

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Radically Human: A book review by Bob Morris

May 2, 2022

Radically Human: How New Technology Is Transforming Business and Shaping Our Future Paul R. Daugherty and H.James Wilson Harvard Business Review Press (April 2022) What could well prove to be “the most radically human hope for the future” In their…

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Preserving Privacy While Sharing Data

May 2, 2022

Here is an article by Simson L. Garfinkel  and Claire McKay Bowen for the MIT Sloan Management Review. To check out others and obtain subscription information, please click here. Credit: Michael Morgenstern/ * * * Differential privacy can safeguard personal…

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