Month: July 2015

Wanted: Inclusive Leaders

July 14, 2015

Business success requires cross-cultural agility, curiosity and self-awareness to grow and innovate the business ad well as attract and develop talent. But today’s leaders are mostly unprepared. Here is an excerpt from an article written by Andres T. Tapia for…

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The Achievement Habit: A book review by Bob Morris

July 13, 2015

The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life Bernard Roth HarperBusiness/An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers (July 2015) “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle, July…

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Lori Dickerson Fouché (C.E.O. of Prudential Group Insurance) in “The Corner Office”

July 13, 2015

Adam Bryant conducts interviews of senior-level executives that appear in his “Corner Office” column each week in the SundayBusiness section of The New York Times. Here are a few insights provided during an interview of Lori Dickerson Fouché, C.E.O. of…

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Ask the Right Questions to Put Problems in Context

July 13, 2015

Here is another valuable Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review. To sign up for a free subscription to any/all HBR newsletters, please click here. * * * Being too immersed in a problem makes it harder for…

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Daniel Kahneman on “The Illusion [or Delusion] of Validity”

July 12, 2015

I recently re-read Dan Kahneman‘s Thinking, Fast and Slow, and was amazed by how much that I noted in his narrative, this time, that I had either missed or misunderstood during previous readings. In Chapter 20, “The Illusion of Validity,”…

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Theodore Roosevelt on the power of engagement

July 12, 2015

On April 23, 1910, Theodore Roosevelt delivered to an audience at the Sorbonne in Paris what is widely considered his most important speech, “Citizenship in a Republic.” Here is a brief excerpt: “It is not the critic who counts; not…

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Corporate Concinnity in the Boardroom: A book review by Bob Morris

July 11, 2015

Corporate Concinnity in the Boardroom: 10 Imperatives to Drive High Performing Companies Nancy Falls Greenleaf Book Group Press (2015) The power of creative convergence and cohesion In First Corinthians, Saint Paul has much of value to say about the concept…

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The Making of Ferguson: Public Policies at the Root of Its Troubles

July 11, 2015

Here is the Executive Summary of a “must read” article written by Richard Rothstein for the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank created in 1986 to include the needs of low- and middle-income workers in economic policy…

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Social: A book review by Bob Morris

July 10, 2015

Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect Matthew D. Lieberman B/D/W/Y Books (2013) A brilliant examination of the principles of the social brain (in layman’s terms) The best works of non-fiction tend to be research-driven and that is certainly…

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Who’s John Jay? Scholars urge new look at forgotten founder

July 10, 2015

Though John Jay was one of three contributors to the Federalist Papers, president of the wartime Continental Congress and the nation’s first chief justice, some say he’s the forgotten founder. That is one of the key points in an article…

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