Month: July 2012

Poor Economics: A book review by Bob Morris

July 8, 2012

Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo PublicAffairs/The Perseus Group (2011) How and why ideology, ignorance, and inertia have so effectively undermined efforts to reduce/eliminate global poverty I read this…

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Joel Babbit (Mother Nature Network) in “The Corner Office”

July 8, 2012

Adam Bryant conducts interviews of senior-level executives that appear in his “Corner Office” column each week in the SundayBusiness section of The New York Times. Here are a few insights provided during an interview of Joel Babbit, C.E.O. of Mother Nature Network, an environmental news…

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The Hidden Agenda: A book review by Bob Morris

July 7, 2012

The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following Kevin Allen bibliomotion (2012) How and why to “get it”: the hidden agenda Initially, I misunderstood this book’s title, incorrectly assuming that Kevin Allen – in the…

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Alan E. Shelton: An interview by Bob Morris

July 7, 2012

Alan Shelton has lived a seemingly dual life of developing into a quintessential corporate manager while simultaneously engaging in the seeker’s quest. Born in California, Alan grew up within the sixties’ vision of infinite possibility. In his twenties, he worked tirelessly to master the nuts and…

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Why You Are Not a Failure

July 6, 2012

Here is an excerpt from an article written by Dorie Clark for the Harvard Business Review blog. To read the complete article, check out the wealth of free resources, and sign up for a subscription to HBR email alerts, please click here. *     *  …

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A New Look at Engagement

July 6, 2012

Here is an excerpt from an article featured by Talent Management magazine in which Barb Krantz Taylor identifies and discusses nine intangible elements of work that employees rank much higher than salary or perks on engagement surveys. To read the complete…

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J. Keith Murnighan: An interview by Bob Morris

July 6, 2012

J. Keith Murnighan earned his  Ph.D. from Purdue University and is currently the Harold H. Hines Jr. Distinguished Professor of Risk Management at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. He also teaches in Kellogg’s Executive MBA programs around the world, including Hong Kong, Germany,…

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Calculating Success: A book review by Bob Morris

July 5, 2012

Calculating Success: How the New Workplace Analytics Will Revitalize Your Organization Carl Hoffman, Eric Lesser, and Tim Ringo Harvard Business Review Press (2012) How and why “the connective tissue between vision and execution is workforce analytics” According to Carl Hoffmann, Eric Lesser, and Tim Ringo, “there…

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An Abundance of What?

July 5, 2012

I have just read and will soon review Peter Diamonds and Steven Kotler’s book, Abundance, in which they explain why the future is better than most people think. Perhaps I need to re-read the book because I remain deeply concerned about abundances such…

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Make No Mistake: To Err IS Human

July 5, 2012

Make No Mistake: To Err IS Human Here is an excerpt from the script for a program produced for CBS Sunday Morning by CBSNews. *     *      * The humble popsicle was invented – by mistake! – when…

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