Month: October 2011

Harvard Business Review on Reinventing Your Marketing: A book review by Bob Morris

October 3, 2011

Harvard Business Review on Reinventing Your Marketing Various Contributors Harvard Business Review Press (2011) How to use innovative thinking to improve how you create or increase demand for what you offer Those who aspire to maximize the impact of their…

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3 Networking Traps to Avoid

October 3, 2011

    Here is another valuable Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review. To sign up for a free subscription to any/all HBR newsletters, please click here. Not all networking is created equally. In fact, developing certain kinds…

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Josh Linkner on Planting Seeds…Lots of Seeds

October 3, 2011

Here’s a recent post by Josh Linkner. His life continues to be an inspiring fulfillment of the values he affirms. I urge you to read his book, Disciplined Dreaming: A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity, and to visit his website…

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The Disney Way: A book review by Bob Morris

October 2, 2011

The Disney Way: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company William Capodagli and Lynn Jackson McGraw Hill, Second Edition (2006) The ROI of “Magic” According to William Capodagli and Lynn Jackson, “This book tells the inside story of…

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Pamela Fields (Stetson) in “The Corner Office”

October 2, 2011

Adam Bryant conducts interviews of senior-level executives that appear in his “Corner Office” column each week in the SundayBusiness section of The New York Times. Here are a few insights provided during an interview of Pamela Fields, chief executive of…

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Lessons to be learned from Pixar about a “creative culture”

October 1, 2011

Here is my take on what Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson learned during a lengthy and probing study of the Pixar culture: 1. Celebrate failure with the same intensity as you celebrate success. View each setback as a precious learning…

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