Month: August 2011
It takes a mix of leaders and talent to pursue a variety of growth strategies simultaneously. Few executives can do it all. Here is an excerpt from another outstanding article featured online by McKinsey & Company’s Quarterly magazine, co-authored by Katharina Herrmann, Asmus…
Read MoreEveryone seems to have lots of opinions about Steve Jobs. I never met him or worked for him. I’ve seen videos of him, notably his commencement address at Stanford. Also, I know people who knew him and worked for him.…
Read MoreThere is a mental state far more important than “getting it”….it’s getting what you don’t get. Over the years, it has been my great pleasure as well as privilege to associate with dozens of men and women who possess superior…
Read MoreSix Action Shoes Edward De Bono Longman Higher Education (1991) Note: When preparing for some interviews, I recently re-read several books on the creative process and remain convinced that all are still among the best. For example…. A Shoe for…
Read MoreAdam Bryant conducts interviews of senior-level executives that appear in his “Corner Office” column each week in the SundayBusiness section of The New York Times. Here are a few insights provided during an interview of Andy Lansing who is president and…
Read MoreHarvard Business Review on Finding & Keeping the Best People Various Contributors Harvard Business Review Press (2011) How to recruit, hire, onboard, and retain the workers who possess the character, talent, and skills your company needs This is one of…
Read More“Visionaries usually are. Because some visionaries cannot explain to the rest of us what they see, they have to depend on command.” –Peter F. Drucker, 1983
Read MoreHere is the latest post by Joseph A. Maciariello featured in the Joe’s Journal series at the Drucker Exchange (Dx) sponsored by the Drucker Institute. The Drucker Exchange (the Dx) is a platform for bettering society through effective management and…
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Are there any really compelling examples of credibility?
One of the best occurred many years ago when Arthur Ashe and Stan Smith competed against each other in the final match of the men’s singles championship at the U.S. Open at lily-white Forest Hills Tennis Club. At that time, players…
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