Brooke Manville

Steve Yastrow: An interview by Bob Morris

March 28, 2014

Steve Yastrow is the author of three books: Ditch the Pitch: The Art of Improvised Persuasion, We: The Ideal Customer Relationship, and Brand Harmony. Management guru Tom Peters said, “When Steve Yastrow writes, I pay close attention,” and called Brand…

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Michael Roberto: An interview by Bob Morris

March 24, 2014

Michael Roberto is the Trustee Professor of Management at Bryant University in Smithfield, RI. He has written two books: Why Great Leaders Don’t Take Yes For An Answer and Know What You Don’t Know. He has created two best-selling audio/video…

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Shawn Hunter: An interview by Bob Morris

March 13, 2014

Shawn Hunter is Executive Producer & Vice President for Leadership Solutions at Skillsoft. For over a decade Hunter has interviewed, collaborated with, and filmed, hundreds of leading business authors, executives, and business school faculty in an effort to assemble video…

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Patricia Nolan-Brown: An interview by Bob Morris

February 28, 2014

Patricia Nolan-Brown has been inventing and marketing problem-solving products for more than 22 years. She is the author of Idea to Invention: What You Need to Know to Cash in Your Inspiration (AMACOM, January 2014.) She also teaches an online…

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Big Data @ Work: A book review by Bob Morris

February 27, 2014

Big Data @ Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities Thomas H. Davenport Harvard Business Review Press (2014) How to make much better decisions about and then with big data systems and capabilities Over the years, I have read and…

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Left Brain, Right Stuff: A book review by Bob Morris

January 28, 2014

Left Brain, Right Stuff: How Leaders Make Winning Decisions Phil Rosenzweig PublicAffairs (2014) Why understanding the decision making process as well as the roles of action and analysis “can improve the odds of success” As I began to read this…

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Eric Siegel: An interview by Bob Morris

January 27, 2014

Eric Siegel, PhD, founder of Predictive Analytics World and Text Analytics World, and Executive Editor of the Predictive Analytics, makes the how and why of predictive analytics understandable and captivating. In addition to being the author of Predictive Analytics:…

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Niraj Dawar: An interview by Bob Morris

December 4, 2013

Niraj Dawar is a Professor in marketing at the Ivey Business School, Canada of. He earned his PhD from Pennsylvania State University. His research currently focuses on marketing strategy, brand equity and brand management issues. His published papers on brand…

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John Baldoni: A third interview by Bob Morris

November 24, 2013

John Baldoni serves as the chair of the leadership development practice at N2growth. He is an internationally-recognized leadership educator, executive coach, speaker, and author. He has authored twelve books on leadership, with three of those books, Lead With Purpose (2011),…

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Jack Godwin: An interview by Bob Morris

November 16, 2013

Jack Godwin, PhD, is a political scientist whose appeal spans the political spectrum. Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called Clintonomics, his previous book, a “must read,” an assessment seconded by conservative publisher Christopher Ruddy. Godwin has a doctorate from…

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