Here is an excerpt from an article written by Tian Heong Chan, Jürgen Mihm, and Manuel Sosa for Harvard Business Review and the HBR Blog Network. To read the complete article, check out the wealth of free resources, obtain…
Read MoreHere is an excerpt from another profile of courage in The New York Times‘ series, “The Lives They LIved,” in this instance written by Michael Paterniti. To read the complete article as well as others, please click here. * *…
Read MoreHere is an excerpt from an article for the McKinsey Quarterly, published by McKinsey & Company. To read the complete article, check out others, learn more about the firm, and sign up for email alerts, please click here. * *…
Read MoreHere is an excerpt from an article written by Clayton M. Christensen for Harvard Business Review (July–August 2010 Issue) and the HBR Blog Network. Christensen passed away last week of leukemia. All who knew him loved and respected him.…
Read MoreI just received a head’s up from a dear friend, Jim Strock, and want to share it. Jim is a best-selling author and speaker on leadership. His passion for the practice of leadership spans four decades. He’s an independent entrepreneur…
Read MoreHere is an excerpt from an article written by Javier Gil Gómez, Pablo Hernández, and Rafael Ocejo for the McKinsey Quarterly, published by McKinsey & Company. To read the complete article, check out others, learn more about the firm,…
Read MoreIn Think Outside the Building, Rosabeth Moss Kanter explains how advanced leaders can change the world one smart innovation at a time. Some of her most valuable ideas focus on how and why telling the right compelling story is so…
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Confronting the early-career gender gap
Here is a brief article written by Kevin Sneader and Lareina Yee for the McKinsey Quarterly, published by McKinsey & Company. To read the complete article, check out others, learn more about the firm, and sign up for email…
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