Book Reviews
Startup Culture Mindset: A Primer to Building an Amazing Culture and Tribe Bernhard Schroeder Independently Published (November 2019) “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Peter Drucker Drucker’s comment is generally true but I think he would agree that some cultures are…
Read MoreThe Amazon Management System: The Ultimate Digital Business Engine That Creates Extraordinary Value for Both Customers and Shareholders Ram Charan and Julia Yang Ideapress Publishing (December 2019) The “sercret sauce” of one of the most successful organizations thoughout the history…
Read MoreThe Power of Little Ideas: A Low-Risk, High-Reward Approach to Innovation David Robertson with Kent Lineback Harvard Business Review Press (May 2017) Do innovators have only two choices: innovate small incrementally or innovate big disruptively? “There is another option.” In…
Read MoreThe Genius Checklist: Nine Paradoxical Tips on How You can Become a Creative Genius Dean Keith Simonton MIT Press (October 2018) How to co-create “a cultural florescence most worthy of posterity’s admiration” What seems to be Dean Keith Simonton’s working…
Read MoreNeed a briefing on the basics of running a meeting effectively? Look no further. Running Meetings is one of the volumes in the 20 Minute Manager series created by the editors at Harvard Business Review Press. About 90 pages in…
Read MoreEnterprise Architecture As Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution Jeanne W. Ross, Peter Weill, and David Robertson Harvard Business Review Press (2006) Still the definitive source for cutting-edge thinking about the design of organizational excellence Here is another business…
Read MoreBrave Companions: Portraits in History David McCullough Simon & Schuster (1991) The consummate master of “painting with words” I read this book when it was first published and have since read and reviewed most of David McCullough’s other published works.…
Read MoreSailing True North:Ten Admirals and the Voyage of Character Admiral James Stavridis USN (Retired) Penguin Press (October 2019) Why “a constant process of self-examination is at the heart of improving our character” As I began to read James Stavridis’ latest…
Read MoreGame-Time Decision Making: High-Scoring Business Strategies from the Biggest Names in Sports David Meltzer McGraw-Hill (October 2019) How and why you have to get out of your own way in order to get wherever you want to go There are…
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