Month: August 2013

Good Artists Copy; Great Artists Steal

August 28, 2013

“Good Artists Copy; Great Artists Steal” Who said it first? Steve Jobs? Pablo Picasso? T. S. Eliot? W. H. Davenport Adams? Lionel Trilling? Igor Stravinsky? William Faulkner? Apocryphal? Here is a brief excerpt from an article written by Garson O’Toole…

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Glenn Kelman (chief executive of Redfin) in “The Corner Office”

August 28, 2013

Adam Bryant conducts interviews of senior-level executives that appear in his “Corner Office” column each week in the SundayBusiness section of The New York Times. Here are a few insights provided during an interview of Glenn Kelman, chief executive of…

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What Keeps Leaders Up at Night: A book review by Bob Morris

August 28, 2013

What Keeps Leaders Up at Night: Recognizing and Resolving Your Most Troubling Management Issues Nicole A. Lipkin AMACOM (2013) Here are valuable leadership lessons to be learned from a former barefoot cobbler In her exceptionally thoughtful and thought-provoking Introduction, Nicole…

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Why Positivity is So Essential in the Workplace

August 27, 2013

Here is a brief excerpt from an article by Marla Gottschalk for LinkedIn. She explains why the importance of “psychological capital” is incalculable when attempting to determine the value of an individual or team as well as the value of…

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Disrupt!: A book review by Bob Morris

August 27, 2013

Disrupt! Think Epic. Be Epic Bill Jensen Net Minds (2013) How-to-Figure-It-All-Out I have read and reviewed all of Bill Jensen’s previously published books and think Disrupt! is his most valuable — thus far — because it will have the widest…

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Kevin Allen: Second interview, by Bob Morris

August 27, 2013

Kevin Allen is Founder & Chairman of business transformation company, [re:kap], that counts Burberry, M&C Saatchi, Nokia, Omnicom, Rolls-Royce, Smythson and Swedbank among its global clients. He spent over two decades on the front lines of business development at the…

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Tom Kelley and David Kelley on the Care and Feeding of an Innovation Team

August 26, 2013

In Tom Kelley and David Kelley’s book, Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All (Crown Business, October 2013), they offer some excellent advice on the “care and feeding of an innovation team.” Here is an abbreviation of their…

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A Study in Sinatra: There are times when you just do whatever must be done

August 26, 2013

Here is a brief excerpt from an article by Marla Gottschalk for LinkedIn. She cites an unlikely source for valuable business lessons when explaining why, when we are “not onboard” and are reluctant to “buy in” with regard to an…

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Moment of Battle: A book review by Bob Morris

August 26, 2013

Moment of Battle: The Twenty Clashes That Changed the World James Lacey and Williamson Murray Bantam Books/Rabdom House Publishing (2013) Twenty battles that “changed the flow of history in profoundly fundamental ways that still echo throughout the world” Although I…

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John Butman: An interview by Bob Morris

August 25, 2013

John Butman is founder and principal of the idea and content development firm Idea Platforms, Inc. and author of Breaking Out: How to Build Influence in a World of Competing Ideas (Harvard Business Review Press 2013). He has worked with…

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