Month: March 2011
Spark: How Creativity Works Julie Burstein Harper/HarperCollins (2011) The process by which to “ignite” creative and innovative thinking that has breakthrough impact I have read and reviewed most of the books published during the past decade whose authors focus on…
Read MoreMilitary work — like business — is risky, pressured, and fast-changing. It calls for absolute clarity about the mission, extraordinary adaptability, and precise management of complex systems. To those such as I with a special interest in business lessons to…
Read MoreHere is an excerpt from an interview of Peter Guber written by Mike Hofman for Inc. magazine (March 1, 2011). To read the complete article, please click here. * * * In his new book, Tell to Win: Connect, Persuade,…
Read MoreTen Steps Ahead: What Separates Successful Business Visionaries from the Rest of Us Erik Calonius Portfolio/Penguin Group (2011) Dreamers think about it…visionaries see it and then make it happen, at whatever cost The material in Ten Steps Ahead is based…
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Joe’s Journal: Freedom is Not Fun
Here is the latest post by Joseph A. Maciariello featured in the Joe’s Journal series at the Drucker Exchange (DX) sponsored by the Drucker Institute. The Drucker Exchange (the DX) is a platform for bettering society through effective management and…
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