Here is an excerpt from an article written by Andrea Ovans for the HBR Blog Network. To read the complete article, check out the wealth of free resources, and sign up for a subscription to HBR email alerts, please click here.
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What’s your most pressing management issue? We asked and you told us. In fact you are continuing to tell us even as you read this (if you’d like to weigh in right now just click here
) in a novel surveying instrument from All Our Ideas
Not a survey in the conventional sense
, it allowed us to pose only a single question and asked you to choose between two alternatives. We began the process by suggesting a few alternatives ourselves — devising strategy, managing my boss, balancing work and home life, finding the right people for the job, not enough time — a frankly random mix of the specific and the general, of large enduring themes and small personal concerns. But the real value of the survey instrument is that it encourages you to go beyond the alternatives we suggest and propose your own. Which you have certainly done.
Right at this moment, the top responses are:
o I’d like to see leaders in an organization have the executive courage to make decisions and truly own the consequences (good, bad or neutral)
o Creating new good habits in the corporate culture
o How to create organizations that are capable of truly creative thought
o Getting investors and stakeholders to have more of a long-view perspective on strategy and investing, to develop new opportunities
o Keeping up with the day-to-day business while also thinking and planning strategically.
But if you go to the site tomorrow (or perhaps even a couple of hours from now), you’re likely to find that list has shifted dramatically. It’s like dipping a spoon into a torrent of ideas as they rush by.
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To read the complete article, please click here.
Andrea Ovans is a senior associate editor at Harvard Business Review. To read more of her articles, please click here.