THE NORMAL WELL-TEMPERED MIND: A Conversation with Daniel C. Dennett

His uncompromising computationalism has been opposed by philosophers such as John Searle and Jerry Fodor who maintain that the most important aspects of consciousness — intentionality and subjective quality — can never be computed. He is the philosopher of choice of the AI community.

He is also a major contributor to the understanding of the conceptual foundations of evolutionary biology. In Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, he argued that the “universal acid” of evolutionary explanation extends well beyond biology to re-conceptualize culture and science itself, and exposed some of the internal conflicts and misconstruals in the contrary claims of Stephen Jay Gould.

Daniel C. Dennett is University Professor, Professor of Philosophy, and Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University. He is the author of Content and ConsciousnessBrainstormsElbow RoomThe Intentional StanceConsciousness ExplainedDarwin’s Dangerous IdeaKinds of MindsBrainchildrenFreedom EvolvesSweet Dreamsand Breaking the Spell.

To watch all the Dennett conversations, please click here.

To watch all the CONVERSATIONS AT EDGE, please click here.

John Brockman is Editor and Publisher at Edge. To learn more about the organization from him, please click here.

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