The New Rules of Influence: How to Authentically Build Trust, Drive Change, and Make an Impact
Lida Citroën
Berrett-Koehler Publishers (2024)
How to become a success in the VUCA world? Maximize your positive infuence.
Because you are reading this review, I assume that you are curious to know what this book is all about in order to decide whether or not to purchase it for your and/or another person’s use.
Lida Citroën asserts that the rules for winning friends and influencing people have changed. There are ten new rules and she wants you to know WHAT they are and HOW TO use them in order to accelerate your personal growth and professional development.
She wrote this book in order to explain how to “build your voice, share your purpose, and use every breath in your body to ensure others benefit from the gifts, ideas, impact, and influence you’re capable of sharing. If you’re like me and you crave practical, gritty, and understandable guidance, you’re in the right place!”
She also wants you to know that in The New Rules of Influence, she “dives into what it takes to be a person of influence, and to recognize influence in others. I’ll show you what influence looks like when it’s coming from deep in your soul, and when it’s real and confident and inclusive. When influence comes from these places, the ripple effect of your idea or vision is palpable and scalable. Whether you’re looking for more influence in a meeting or movement, with your team or boss, or on a global scale, I’ve written this book for you.”
The ten “New Rules of Influence” are best revealed and discussed in context, within the narrative of this book. However, here are a few key points:
o Raise your hand
o Be prepared for each opportunity to influence others
o Become an expert on whom to rely
o Use silence strategically
o Demonstrate inclusivity
o Listen more — talk less
o Interrupting
o Apologizing
o Tilting your head
o Hesitating
o Sighing
o Looking at your feet
In The New Rules of Influence, Lida Citroën explains HOW people of positive influence earn others’ respect and trust because they have the courage of their convictions, are authentic and reliable, make decisions and take actions that have lasting impact and value, and communicate effectively. They are team-builders.
According to an African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Whatever their size and nature may be, all organizations need persons of positive influence at all levels and in all areas throughout the given enterprise.
This is a must-read for all senior-level executives who have direct-reports entrusted to their care. It is also a must-read for all who are now preparing for a career in business or have only recently embarked upon one.
I now call upon Theodore Roosevelt to conclude this brief commentary: “People won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”