I have been thinking about organizational health and decided to share my list of defining charactertistics. Actually, here is a baker’s dozen of “vital signs,” in no particular order:
o The company always “lives within its means.”
o Those who work for its competitors apply for positions whenever they are available.
o It has little (if any) attrition of valued employees.
o Supervisors are immensely competent servant leaders with highly developed emotional intelligence.
o With rare exception, its people only use first-person plural pronouns when discussing the company.
o Prudent, carefully thought-out risks are required…and rewarded.
o After people retire, they are invited to be mentors of new hires and paid well for their services.
o Generous bonuses are paid to problem finders and problem preventers as well as to problem solvers.
o Using up all paid-allowances (e.g. vacations days, parental allowances) is required.
o All so-called “indispensable” people train at least two immediate replacements, if and when needed.
o Its employees urge their family members, friends, and neighbors to work there.
o Its most highly respected employees are directly involved in recruiting interviewing, hiring, and onboarding.
o The company has only two rules:
#1: Use good judgment.
#2: See Rule #1.
What do you think?