The Business of We: The Proven Three-Step Process for Closing the Gap Between Us and Them in Your Workplace
Laura Kriska
HarperCollins Leadership (January 2021)
How and why all healthy organizations think and behave in terms of first-person PLURAL pronouns
The word “barbarian”was created long ago by the Greeks. Its original meaning is “non-Greek.” I was again reminded of that as I began to read this book by Laura Kriska in which she explains how organizations prevent or reduce (if not eliminate) ‘Us versus Them” gaps within a diverse culture. It seems to be embedded in human nature to think in terms of how we identify ourselves in relation to others. Consciously or unconsciously, people tend to value more — or at least prefer — those who are similar to them rather than those who are different.
Organizational diversity is determined/measured by the nature and extent of the given differences. Here’s the key question: Do those differences strengthen or weaken an organization? This is what Saint Paul had in mind when discussing “many parts, one body” in one of his first letters to the Corinthians. Later, “E pluribus unum” was selected in 1782 to be the motto after thirteen colonies became a new nation.
Kriska: “A cultural identity is based on gender, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, body type, family structure, religion, physical ability, socioeconomic class, education, occupation, skills, neurodiversity, life experience, and more. Their identity characteristics intersect in every person in different ways, which means that our identities are complex and ever changing. Any one of these factors or a combination of factors can become the basis of a cultural gap.” Quite true.
It is no coincidence that companies annually ranked among those most highly regarded and best to work for are also annually ranked among those most profitable with the greatest cap value in their industry group. Moreover, all of those companies have a workforce of purpose-driven people who think and behave in terms of first-person PLURAL pronouns, especially “we” and “our.” High-impact teamwork is not a strategic objective; it is a way of life. Communication, cooperation, and collaboration thrive only when and where diversity is focused on achieving a shared goal or objective.
So, how specifically to avoid or reduce (if not eliminate) ‘Us versus Them” gaps? Kriska recommends a three-step process and explains each in detail:
o How to foster awareness throughout the given enterprise
o How to design and then complete a comprehensive self-assessment
o How to take effective action when and where it will have the greatest impact
Kriska also shares ten key points (See “New Paradigm,” Pages 247-249) that should be reviewed at least weekly by those entrusted with leading the Gap-Busting Initiative. Here they are.
1. Be alert for “Us and Them” gaps. Like weeds, they can pop up anywhere, anytime.
2. Increase awareness of marginalizing behaviors.
3. Eagerly solicit input from marginalized voices.
4. Make a deliberate effort toward trusted colleague status with those traditionally marginalized.
5. Be alert for and pay close attention to behavior that seems unusual, if not suspicious.
6. Be aware of/respectful of those (i.e. outliers) who are not among the cultural majority.
7. Assume there are cultural data yet to be located and revealed and constantly seek them.
8. Build your own infrastructure (See 10-question assessment, Pages 134-155)
9. Become culturally fluid. Document your journey of discovery, adding/revising insights, etc.
10. Inspire or at least encourage and support others to become WE-builders.
I presume to offer two suggestions to those who are about to read this book. First, keep a lined notebook near at hand while reading the book so that you can record questions, comments, page references, etc. I have already indicated some of the key sections. There are several. Be sure to record your own thoughts as well as Kriska’s. This approach when absorbing and digesting content will facilitate, indeed expedite frequent review of key material later.
Also, keep in mind these two observations. From Thomas Edison: “Vision without execution is hallucination.” And from Peter Drucker: “There is surely nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency what should not be done at all.”
I highly recommend this book to leaders in every organization, whatever its size and nature may be, as well as to those now preparing for a career in business or who have only recently embarked upon one. Thank you, Laura Kriska, for providing an abundance of invaluable information, insights, and counsel. It remains for each reader, however, to determine which of the material is most relevant to the needs, interests, values, goals, and resources of their organization.