The “BIG” picture is a gallery of “small” pictures

HBR Guide to Strategic Thinking is an anthology of 29 articles that first appeared in Harvard Business Review. In the Introduction, HBR editors explain why everyone needs to think strategically. Those who do “demonstrate specific personal traits, behaviors, and attitudes, some of which can seem to conflict.”

They explain the importance of these:

o Curiosity
o Consistency
o Agility
o Future focus
o Outward focus
o Openness
o Breadth
o Questioning

“We recommend six key elements for putting strategic thinking into action.”

The editors discuss these:

1. Understand your organization’s overarching strategic objectives.
2. Keep a big-picture perspective.
3. Make decisions with the organization in mind.
4. Set strategic priorities and manage trade-offs.
5. Align your team around organizational goals.
6. Move beyond strategy and start to execute.

“This book is geared to help you change the way you think and to align your work and the work of your team with the larger objectives and purpose of your company.”

Some metaphors have become clichés, I realize, but are useful nonetheless. For example, when making decisions, strategic thinkers consider both “the forest” and the individual “trees” that comprise it.

HBR Guide to Strategic Thinking was published ny Harvard Business Review Press (January 2019) and all 29 articles are available in a paperbound edition, sold by Amazon for only $14.11.

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