Taking Care of Yourself: A book review by Bob Morris

Taking Care of Yourself: The HBR Working Parents Series
Daisy Dowling, Series Editor
Harvard Business School Press (December 2020)

If you don’t care about your health, why should anyone else?

This is one of the volumes in a new series that consists of articles previously published in the Harvard Business Review. Various tips, articles, and strategies can help working parents  to cope with “the job that never ends.”

This is one of the volumes in a new series that consists of articles previously published in the Harvard Business Review. Various tips, articles, and strategies can help working parents  to cope with “the job that never ends.”

Daisy Dowling suggests that working parents who read the nineteen HBR articles in this book will be helped to achieve objectives that include these:

o Use time-outs to restore mental and physical energy
o Schedule “me time”
o Allocate time and energy to what is most important
o Share self-care needs with others so they will share theirs also
o Increase self-compassion to eliminate
o Eliminate protectionist concerns (Doo doo happens.)
o Conduct regular (scheduled) exercise
o Develop hobbies, some of which can be shared with others
o Take a vacation and then [begin italics] be on vacation [end italics]
o Formulate/implement a personal health care plan and then monitor it for 30 days

Keep in mind that if all the articles were purchased separately as reprints, the total cost would be about $200. Amazon offers three versions: Hardbound $50, Kindle $16.70, and Audible Audiobook $8.95. Each offers substantial ROI to conscientious readers who are determined t take much care of themselves. Only then can they take much better care if others.

I presume to offer two suggestions to those who are about to read this book. First, check out the set of “Quick Takes” at the beginning of each of the articles. This will guide you to what is probably of greatest interest and value.

Also, keep a lined notebook near at hand while reading the book so that you can record questions, comments, page references, etc. This will facilitate, indeed expedite frequent review of key material later.



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