On a friend’s recent “conversion” to an iPad

A friend’s recent (as he characterizes it) “conversion” to an iPad by no means invalidates or even contradicts his previous and passionate support of the bound volume.

The number of electronic reading devices as well as the applications they offer are certain to increase. It seems reasonable to assume that, over time, there will be a corresponding (but not necessarily an inverse proportional) decrease in the sales of bound volumes.

Let us all remember that those who devise breakthrough innovations and disruptive technologies are not playing a zero-sum game.

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg

I agree with Amazon’s founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, (whom I quoted in a post a while ago) that the bound volume should be praised for sustaining a 472-year run of dominant success since Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press with a process that consisted of using separable type, oil-based ink, and a wooden press similar to the agricultural Randy Mayeux’s recent “conversion” to an iPad by no means invalidates or even contradicts his previous and passionate support of the bound volume.

The number of electronic reading devices as well as the applications they offer are certain to increase. It seems reasonable to assume that, over time, there will be a corresponding (but not necessarily a comparable) decrease in the sales of bound volumes.

Let us all remember that those who devise breakthrough innovations and disruptive technologies are not playing a zero-sum game.

I agree with Amazon’s founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, (whom I quoted in a post a while ago) that the bound volume should be praised for sustaining a 472-year run of dominant success since Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press with a process that consisted of using separable type, oil-based ink, and a wooden press similar to the agricultural presses of the period used to crush fruit for wine.

Some people will read only bound volumes.

Some people will only read what an electronic device can display.

Some people will use both.

My friend did not have a conversion; rather, he made an addition to his resources and increased his options.

From my perspective, that’s progress.


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