Among Andrew Lloyd Webber’s countless claims to fame is the fact that he is the father of the author of The Intelligent Conversationalist: 31 Cheat Sheets That Will Show You How to Talk to Anyone About Anything, Anytime.
Briefly, Imogen Lloyd Webber is a New York-based British author, broadcaster, PEOPLE Now‘s Royals Correspondent and’s Senior Editor. Educated at Cambridge University and a former MSNBC Contributor and Fox News regular, she has made hundreds of appearances on air talking everything from Hillary Clinton to HAMILTON.
Many people are reluctant to become engaged in conversation, especially with strangers, because — they plead — they have “nothing interesting to say.” That will emphatically not be true if and when they read the material that Webber provides.
Here are a few representative quotations that she includes:
o “I didn’t know he was dead. I thought he was British.” Woody Allen
o “The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.” John Kenneth Galbraith
o “There are no facts, only interpretations.” Friedrich Nietzsche
o “I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute.” Rebecca West
o “Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy.” Margaret Thatcher
Here are two examples of her counsel:
o Argument: “Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are Abrahamic. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikkism are Dharmic. It’s naive, but why can’t we all just get along? Really, why can’t we?” Use this when someone is focusing on the dissimilarities of people around the world and you feel the need to point out that we are all human beings — tragedy comes when we forget that.
Note: I presume to add an observation by Margaret Mead: “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.”
o Crisp Fact: “The last time the Republicans won a presidential election without a Bush or a Nixon on the ticket was 1928.” This is one of those mind-boggling, jaw-dropping truths that always adds spice to a political discussion.
The Intelligent Conversationalist was published by St. Martin’s Griffin (June 2016). For those in need advice on how to strengthen their conversation skills, this is by far the best single source.
TAGs: Need advice on how to strengthen your conversation skills? Here is by far the since best single source, Andrew Lloyd Webber, The Intelligent Conversationalist: 31 Cheat Sheets That Will Show You How to Talk to Anyone About Anything [comma] Anytime, Imogen Lloyd Webber, PEOPLE Now,, Cambridge University, MSNBC, Fox News Hillary Clinton, HAMILTON, Woody Allen, John Kenneth Galbraith, Friedrich Nietzsche, Rebecca West, Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Mead, St. Martin’s Griffin