Here is another valuable Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review. To sign up for a free subscription to any/all HBR newsletters, please click here.* * *Networking is essential to thriving in business.
But if you’re an introvert with a natural aversion to groups and talking with strangers, what can you do? Try these initiatives:
• Focus on individuals. Group interactions can drain introverts. Spend your networking time having one-on-one conversations.
• Rethink how you reach out. Introverts often hesitate to introduce themselves, but social media makes it easier. Reach out via LinkedIn, Twitter, and even Facebook to people before events. This pre-introduction may put you at ease.
• Re-energize. Take time between networking events to recharge. Take a walk or find 30 minutes alone.
Adapted from “An Introvert’s Guide to Networking” by Lisa Petrilli.
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