How to let go of attachment and become open to magic

James O’Toole asserts that the greatest resistance to change tends to be cultural in nature, the result of what he so aptly characterizes as “the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom.” More often than not, this is a collective response.

What about buy-in by individuals?

In Mind Magic, James Doty explains how almost anyone can avoid or overcome becoming hostage to habits of thought that, according to Warren Buffet, resemble chains that are “too light to notice until they are too heavy to break.”

Here is a brief excerpt from Doty’s book:

One of the greatest challenges for each of us is to be present with the ups and downs of our circumstances — or at least as present as we can be. No matter how skilled a person is at meditation or other techniques, there will always remain a human instinct to minimize suffering and maximize pleasure.

Equanimity is the ability to maintain an evenness of temperament in the face of both the good and the bad that occur in our lives, whether we get what we want, don’t get what we want, or get what we do not want. Equanimity is the embodiment of balance and nonreactivity, and it  allows us our freedom. It is freedom from attachment that releases the magic within us.” See Pages 255-260.

For many people who need to accelerate their personal growth and professional development, this can be the most valuable book they have read thus far.

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Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything was
published by Avery/An Imprint of Penguin Random House (2024).

To learn more about James Doty and his work, please click here.


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