Gems from Young Frankenstein

Young Frankenstein is my favorite Mel Brooks film. Other favorites include (in alpha order) The Ladykillers, A Night at the Opera, Monty Python and the Holy Grail,and Some Like It Hot as well as Brooks’s The Producers and Blazing Saddles.

The material that follows is a portion of the information available at the International Movie Database (IMDb).

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Igor: You know, I’ll never forget my old dad. When these things would happen to him… the things he’d say to me.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: What did he say?
Igor: “What the hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night? Why don’t you get out of there and give someone else a chance?”


[Frederick and Igor are exhuming a dead criminal]

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: What a filthy job.
Igor: Could be worse.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: How?
Igor: Could be raining.
[it starts to pour]


[from inside the hay cart]

Inga: Hallo. Vould you like to have a roll in ze hay?
[Dr. Frankenstein stutters]
Inga: It’s fun.
[She begins to roll in the hay]
Inga: Roll, roll, roll in ze hay.


Igor: Dr. Frankenstein…
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: “Fronkensteen.”
Igor: You’re putting me on.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: No, it’s pronounced “Fronkensteen.”
Igor: Do you also say “Froaderick”?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: No… “Frederick.”
Igor: Well, why isn’t it “Froaderick Fronkensteen”?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: It isn’t; it’s “Frederick Fronkensteen.”
Igor: I see.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: You must be Igor.
[He pronounces it ee-gor]
Igor: No, it’s pronounced “eye-gor.”
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: But they told me it was “ee-gor.”
Igor: Well, they were wrong then, weren’t they?


Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [Reading from his grandfathers’ notebook] “As the minuteness of the parts formed a great hinderance to my speed, I resolved therefore to make a being of a gigantic stature.”
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Of course. That would simplify everything.
Inga: In other vords: his veins, his feet, his hands, his organs vould all have to be increased in size.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Exactly.
Inga: He vould have an enormous schwanzstucker.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: That goes without saying.
Inga: Voof.
Igor: He’s going to be very popular.


Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: You know, I’m a rather brilliant surgeon. Perhaps I can help you with that hump.
Igor: What hump?


Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [to Inga from behind the bookcase] Put… the candle… back!


Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Igor, help me with the bags.
Igor: [Imitating Groucho Marx] Soitenly. You take the blonde, I’ll take the one in the toiben.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: I was talking about the luggage.


Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Love is the only thing that can save this poor creature, and I am going to convince him that he is loved even at the cost of my own life. No matter what you hear in there, no matter how cruelly I beg you, no matter how terribly I may scream, do not open this door or you will undo everything I have worked for. Do you understand? Do not open this door.
Inga: Yes, Doctor.
Igor: Nice working with ya.
[Dr. Frederick Frankenstein goes into the room with The Monster. The Monster wakes up]
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Let me out. Let me out of here. Get me the hell out of here. What’s the matter with you people? I was joking! Don’t you know a joke when you hear one? HA-HA-HA-HA. Jesus Christ, get me out of here! Open this goddamn door or I’ll kick your rotten heads in! Mommy!


Elizabeth: [to The Monster] Honey, did you see I put another hamper in the bathroom? This one’s for your shirts, the other’s just for socks and poo-poo undies.


[after sex with The Monster]

Elizabeth: Oh. Where you going?… Oh, you men are all alike. Seven or eight quick ones and then you’re out with the boys to boast and brag. YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Oh… I think I love him.


[last lines]

Inga: You know, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. In the transference, the monster got part of your wonderful brain. But what did you ever get from him?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [growls suggestively]
Inga: [gasping] Oh my goodness, I don’t believe…
[emits several somewhat painful-sounding moans and grunts]
Inga: [singing] Oh, sweet mystery of life, at last I’ve found you!

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Thank you, IMDb, for providing such an abundance of valuable information.

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