Here is a brief excerpt from an article published by the Wall Street Journal and “Intelligent Investor” columnist Jason Zweig. He pulls up a chair on Mean Street to explain how J.P. Morgan violated a simply rule in its $2 billion trading loss: You must not fool yourself. To read the complete article, check out other resources, obtain subscription information, and register for email alerts, please click here.
The Feynman principle, however, is simple: “You must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool,” as the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman put it.
Asked on April 13 whether J.P. Morgan’s trading operation posed significant risks to the bank, Mr. Dimon called it a “tempest in a teapot.” The bank’s chief financial officer insisted the London-based division was merely “protecting that balance sheet,” adding that J.P. Morgan was “very comfortable with the positions we have.”
For investors, the bigger the commitment, the more certain they become that they must have been right to make it—and the harder it becomes to let go.
The literal meaning of the word “invest”—from the Latin vestire, to clothe or dress—is to wrap oneself up in something. Experiments at racetracks and elsewhere have shown that people who bet on an outcome become up to three times more confident that it will occur than people who didn’t put up any money.