Here is a brief excerpt from an article by David Zinger featured by LinkedIn Pulse. To read the complete article and check out others, please click here.
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Don’t go looking for your well-being outside of work when it is always there waiting for you right inside the very work you do. Stop trying to achieve a precarious state of work/life balance. Let work act as a mechanism to infuse greater well-being inside your life.
Too many employees think they need a well-being program at work, that well-being is something extra, or that well-being can only be found outside of work on the jogging trails, the salad bar, and the yoga studio.
We are failing at work or work is failing us when it does not contribute to our wellness and well-being. Ultimately, work should be an energy gain, not an energy drain. Yes, we all have bad days yet the collective of our working days need to contribute to making us better.
Martin Seligman, the former president of the American Psychological Association outlined six pathways to well-being in his book, Flourish. When I went deeper into his six factors I realized that all of them are available right inside the very work we do. Here is a one minute video where I outline the 6 factors:
Here are [two of] your six sources of well-being:
o Positive Emotions. Work can be a source of positive emotions and our high quality interaction are a huge source of organizational energy. Jane Dutton has taught us about the power of high quality interactions and the ability of work to be able to produce positive emotions ranging from satisfaction and pride to caring and connection.
o Engagement. The very act of engagement can produce well-being. It is not simply a mechanism the organization uses to suck more work out of us. As we engage we begin to dwell more in the present moment and as Stephan Rechtschaffen stated, there is no stress in the present moment. When we fully engage at work we have found a refuge from stress!
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Here is a direct link to the complete article.
David Zinger is an employee engagement speaker and expert who founded and host the 6400 member Employee Engagement Network David is experiencing greater levels of well-being as he deepens and strengthens his engagement with work. Learn more about David and his work at website.