Business Bestsellers or Best Business Books?


For those self-described “book lovers” who only obsess about business bestsellers, here are the “Top Ten” (thus far) in 2015 according to Amazon US:

1. Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance

2. Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
General Stanley McChrystal, Tantum Collins, David Silverman and Chris Fussell

3. Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck
Jon Acuff

4.Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead
Laszlo Bock

5. Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis
Robert D. Putnam

6. Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts–Becoming the Person You Want to Be
Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter

7. Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics
Richard H. Thaler

8. Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable and What We Can Do About It
Marc Goodman

9. Why Information Grows: The Evolution of Order, from Atoms to Economies
Cesar Hidalgo

10. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life
Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman

* * *

Check out the bestseller lists from the past five or even three years ago and you’ll find that, historically, most bestsellers are “sparklers” that have only their brief moment of fame, then are forgotten. The business “classics,” like Bunsen burners, maintain a steady flame of enduring value. For example, titles such as these five, also published in 2015:

Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World
Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler

Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education
Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica

Work Simply: Embracing the Power of Your Personal Productivity Style
Carson Tate

Driven to Distraction at Work: How to Focus and Be More Productive
Edward M. (“Ned”) Hallowell, M.D.

New Rules of the Game: 10 Strategies for Women in the Workplace
Susan Packard

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