Brad Smart on “Topgrading’s Most Important Competency”

SmartSuppose we were sitting together on a plane and you asked, “Brad, I understand the basics of Topgrading, but what is the one thing that I could do to get the most out of Topgrading methods to turbo-boost my hiring success?”

Hmmm. I’d say, “Of 50 competencies Topgraders track on candidates for managerial jobs, Resourcefulness is THE most important, so here’s my advice: Look for evidence of Resourcefulness 100% of the time as you evaluate candidates.”

Topgrading systematically scrutinizes dozens of competencies because if someone is Only Fair, Poor, or Very Poor in any one of them, that candidate will not qualify as an A Player. “But,” you say, “50 competencies? That’s a lot of competencies to keep in mind!”

So first I’ll try convince you that you CAN track dozens of competencies and accurately rate them, and then I’ll explain why we believe that Resourcefulness is BY FAR the most important competency, and what you can do to NAIL that competency.

To learn more, please click here.

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Brad Smart completed his doctorate in Industrial Psychology at Purdue University, entered consulting, and since the 1970s has been in private practice as President and CEO of his own company, now called Topgrading, Inc., based in the Chicago area. He is author of seven books and videos, including Topgrading (3rd Edition): The Proven Hiring and Promoting Method That Turbocharges Company Performance; The Smart Interviewer: Tools and Techniques for Hiring the Best; and the training series Topgrading Toolkit, featuring the 12 Topgrading hiring steps and demos of all the interviews. In addition, he has co-authored the following books: Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top Sales Representatives, with Greg Alexander; and Smart Parenting: How to Raise Happy, Can-Do Kids, with Dr. Kate Mursau.

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