A blueprint for M&A success


Here is an excerpt from an article from the McKinsey Quarterly, written by Sophie Clarke, Liz Wol and Robert Uhlaner and  published by McKinsey & Company. To read the complete article, check out others, learn more about the firm, and sign up for email alerts, please click here.

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Programmatic M&A can help companies build resiliency, but this approach to deal making requires a solid game plan—one that will guide proactive deal sourcing and opportunistic deal evaluation.
Large mergers and acquisitions (M&A) tend to get the biggest headlines, but, as McKinsey research indicates, executives should be paying attention to all the small deals, too. These smaller transactions, when pursued as part of a deliberate and systematic M&A program, tend to yield strong returns over the long run with comparatively low risk. And, based on our research, companies’ ability to successfully manage these deals can be a central factor in their ability to withstand economic shocks.1The execution of such a programmatic M&A strategy is not easy, however. Consider the situation at one global cosmetics company (a hypothetical case based on real-world experiences). Enthusiastic executives all had different ideas about which M&A opportunities the company should pursue (exhibit).

The CEO was pushing for a big bet on digital given the company’s superior financial position. Some senior leaders proposed expansion in greater China, the fastest-growing market for premium cosmetics. Other business-unit leaders saw poten­tial in the markets for organic products and men’s grooming. All had their own agendas (see sidebar, “Undue influences”).

Propelled by a healthy dose of FOMO (or fear of missing out) but lacking a clear set of priorities, the M&A team made multiple small bets on a range of businesses—even on some unexpected targets in adjacent markets (such as pet grooming). But the team did not have a clear plan for creating value from these targets nor for integrating them into the current business structure. The result? The organization ended up wasting time and resources on deals that were mostly unsuccessful, and its executives unintentionally created an unwieldy portfolio of businesses.

As this example illustrates, success in programmatic M&A requires much more than just executing on a long string of deals. Acquirers must articulate exactly why and where they need M&A to deliver on specific themes and objectives underlying their overarching corporate strategies. In addition, they must give careful thought as to how they plan to pursue programmatic M&A—including constructing a high-level business case and preliminary integration plans for each area in which they want to pursue M&A.

Taken together, these factors combine into what we call an M&A blueprint. In this article we discuss how it can be implemented to help organizations remain unrelentingly focused on their investment thesis throughout the deal process. Having a clear M&A blueprint is even more critical as com­panies begin to consider how to rebound from COVID-19. Without an M&A blueprint, it will be more difficult for companies to distinguish between through-cycle opportunities that are consistent with their corporate strategy and “low hanging, distressed asset” deals that are not.

M&A blueprint: The building blocks

The M&A blueprint can help executives answer three main questions: Why and where should we use programmatic M&A to achieve our corporate strategy? And how should we use programmatic M&A to achieve our corporate strategy? Answering these questions will require asking still more clarifying questions about specific organizational strengths and capabilities, resources available, and other inputs to effective deal making.

Understanding ‘why’ and ‘where’

The M&A blueprint prompts business leaders to conduct a thorough self-assessment along with a comprehensive market assessment. The self-assessment helps establish the baseline from which to identify gaps in corporate ambitions as well as the opportunities for M&A to fill these gaps. It involves examining a company’s key sources of competitive advantage and testing their scalability to determine whether they would still play to the company’s advantage after a transaction. For its part, the market assessment acts as a “sense check” for business leaders, ensuring that the company’s M&A strategy capitalizes on the most recent and relevant trends, accounts for potential disruptions, and acknowledges competitors’ likely actions and reactions.

An M&A blueprint should also define any boundary conditions, or limits to the company’s use of M&A. These conditions, which are typically imposed by the CFO or the board investment committee, provide an important reality check: they define the con­straints on certain types or sizes of deals, thereby further narrowing the scope of potential targets. In setting these conditions, business leaders should account for preexisting financial hurdles—for instance, a rule that “deals must be accretive in the first year” likely would not apply to deals targeting growth and might therefore overly constrain M&A activity. Establishing these boundary conditions at the outset—with explicit agreement from the CFO and the board—can help put teeth into investment commitments and align everyone on negotiable and nonnegotiable terms.

Taken together, the self-assessment, market assessment, and review of boundary conditions can help executives understand the circumstances under which the pursuit of M&A makes the most sense, as well as the markets they are best positioned to enter. Indeed, the output of business leaders’ discussions about “why and where” will be a set of M&A themes that reflect the company’s best value-creation opportunities—those for which the company has the capabilities and resources to achieve intended strategic goals.

What does a good M&A theme entail? For each theme, senior leaders should identify important deal criteria (categorizing potential targets by geog­raphy, sales channel, product type, and so on) as well as standard screening metrics like company size, number of employees, revenue growth, product port­folio, ownership, and so on. With this detailed information, organizations and M&A deal teams can continually cultivate potential targets within focused M&A themes while still being opportunistic about deals that present themselves.

Once these themes have been identified, business leaders should test them to ensure that they can execute against them—for instance, are there enough targets available, and do the right targets exist to fill gaps in the company’s capabilities? The M&A blueprint will be particularly critical in target-rich environments to help narrow down the list of potentials.

A “gold standard” M&A blueprint is detailed and focused on critical competitive information (value-creation levers, company capabilities, and so on). To understand whether their companies’ M&A themes are detailed enough, business leaders should consider whether they would be comfortable broadcasting those themes to competitors. The answer should be “no.” If the answer is “yes,” more work on the blueprint will be needed, as it and the related themes are likely not specific enough to be useful to M&A teams.

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Here is a direct link to the complete article.

Sophie Clarke is a consultant in McKinsey’s New Jersey office, where Liz Wol is an associate partner; Robert Uhlaner is a senior partner in the San Francisco office.

The authors wish to thank Anthony Chui, Jack Gordon, Steve Santulli, and Lexi Wang for their contributions to this article.


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