Here is a brief excerpt from an article written by Geoffrey James and featured online by Inc. magazine. To read the complete article, check out others, and obtain subscription information, please click here.
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When your team asks you want you want, here’s what you tell them.
My recent column, 8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses, drew a flood of responses. But there’s one thing I didn’t mention: An extraordinary boss communicates his expectations clearly to his team. That way, everyone understands what it will take to make your company succeed.
With that in mind: If you are the boss, you’ll want to share this column with your team, because it will make your job a heck of a lot easier. And if by chance you’re not the boss, memorize this column–because it contains the key to long-term success.
Here are [three of] the rules for keeping your boss happy:
1. Be true to your word.
Your boss wants to trust you. Really. Therefore, whenever you accept an assignment, follow through religiously, even fanatically. Do what you say you’re going to do. Never overcommit, and avoid hedging your bets with vague statements like “I’ll try” and “maybe.” Instead, make your word carry real weight.
2. No surprises, ever.
The secret fear of every boss is that employees are screwing up but are not saying anything about it. So even if you’re afraid some bad news might upset your boss, make sure he’s informed. Note: If your boss consistently “shoots the messenger,” you can ignore this rule–because his behavior shows he doesn’t really want to be in the know.
3. Be fully prepared on the details.
Your boss wants to believe you’re competent and on top of things. That’s why she sometimes picks an aspect of your job and begins randomly asking penetrating questions. Therefore, whenever you’re meeting with the boss, have the details ready so you can answer these queries with grace and aplomb.
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To read the complete article, please click here.
Personal Note: I do not recommend displaying the cup in the illustration in your workplace area unless your purpose is to stimulate some lively conversation.
Geoffrey James‘ “Sales Source” (formerly “Sales Machine” on CBS) is the world’s most-visited sales-oriented blog and has won awards from both the Society of American Business Editors & Writers and the American Society of Business Publication Editors. Sales Source is entirely independent and features the very best ideas from dozens of top sales experts and executives. To get column updates, sign up for his weekly “insider” newsletter or his @Sales_Source Twitter feed. His best posts, with many extras, are in his new book: How to Say It: Business to Business Selling.