Make Your Out-of-Office Message a Little More Personal

Here is another valuable Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review. To sign up for a free subscription to any/all HBR newsletters, please click here.

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Most of us write our out-of-office messages as we’re running out the door for vacation or a business trip. But putting more thought into what the message says can help you build relationships with the people who try to reach you while you’re away.

o Instead of just including the dates when you’re out and who to email in your absence, consider sharing why you’re gone. Where are you going on vacation, and why did you pick that location? What are you learning at the conference?

o You can also share a resource that will speak to your audience, like an article or a new piece of research. It could be related to taking a vacation (there are lots of great stats on why time off is so important!) or something that potential clients might be interested in.

o A personal — but still professional — message allows you to connect in a new way with colleagues, clients, and vendors.

Adapted from “Why You Should Put a Little More Thought into Your Out-of-Office Message,” by Michelle Gielan

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