John Mattone on “The Ultimate Dimension” of Course Correction

The super tankers that transport oil must travel almost 40 miles to reverse direction.

I thought of the relevance of that fact to the challenges that leaders of a Fortune 50 company face when they must make a course correction. In his latest book, The Intelligent Reader (October 2019), John Mattone suggests that they must have a mindset that recognizes that they and the world around them are in a state of constant evolution, and that allows them to stay balanced in the face of inevitable change.

Here are are three of his six specific recommendations:

1. Thinking Differently, Thinking Big

“If you are striving to achieve this, you will inherently be oriented toward consistent improvement  and change,. You will be seeking out thge oppoirtunities to change course tgo make your impact even greater.”

2. The Vulnerability Decision

“Similarly, if you want to embody the psychology of adjustment, vulnerability is absolutely crucial.  You need to be willing to open youerself up to tghe feedback of others, and be vulnerable enough to acknowledge mistakes and flaws in order to correct them.”

3. Having a Mindset of Entitlement versus a Mindset of Duty

“When you burst the bubble of your entitlement and embrace a duty mindset, you are able to see the biggest possible context fvor your actions. Having this bigger picture empowers tou to better identify the areas thast need improvement and set yourself on the right course. In many ways, the duty mindset amplifies your ability to see clearly.”

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John Mattone is widely considered the world’s top executive coach and is globally respected for his ability to ignite and strengthen a leader’s inner self and talents. Since 2017, he has been ranked by Global Gurus as one of the top three coaching authorities in the world, alongside Tony Robbins and Marshall Goldsmith. John is the creator of the unique, powerful, and game-changing Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching program.


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