How To Make Culture Your Co-Founder

KruseHere is a brief excerpt from an article written by Kevin Kruse for To read the completer article, check oyt other resources, please click here.

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Most small and mid-sized business leaders are so busy just executing on a daily basis they don’t get intentional when it comes to crafting their own company culture. This is an important oversight which, once corrected, can accelerate the growth of the business.

The best of company culture I’ve ever encountered comes from entrepreneur, Brett Martin, in an article he wrote in Medium: Think of culture as a co-founder that is present when you are not. You are decisive, communicative and respectful but it’s your culture that helps everyone know how to act when you are out of the room. Give that voice clarity and authority.

So how do you do that? How do you create clarity and be intentional in crafting your culture?

TRX is a fast growing mid-sized company that makes lightweight and affordable training equipment. Former Navy SEAL, Randy Hetrick, started the company to bring to market a suspension strap exercise system he first used while on deployments. Today, their suspension training system is used throughout the military and is a favorite of personal trainers, as well.

When asked about the importance of company culture, Hetrick sounded very much like the Special Ops soldier he once was. “We view our company culture as the glue that holds the many different pieces of our team together. Our culture provides the strength and foundation to operate as a high performing team all around the world.

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To read the complete article, please click here.

Kevin Kruse is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker and serial entrepreneur. His latest book is Employee Engagement for Everyone: 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work.

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