3 Ways to Convince a Skeptic

Here is another valuable Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review. To sign up for a free subscription to any/all HBR newsletters, please click here.

Swaying an executive to accept an idea is tough, especially if she’s a skeptic.

To overcome her cynicism, you need to adjust your style. Here are three ways to influence a non-believer:

1. Co-present with a trusted source. Skeptics are highly suspicious of any information that challenges their worldviews. You can increase your chances of success by sharing the stage with someone the executive believes in.

2. Demonstrate endorsements. You need as much credibility as you can garner. Ask others who support your idea to let the executive know.

3. Stroke egos. Skeptics respond to flattery. Start sentences with, “You’ve probably seen this data already…”

Today’s Management Tip was adapted from Harvard Business Review on Communicating Effectively.

To check it out  and join the discussion, please click here.





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